Modern Website Design Agency

Blazing Fast Modern Web Design

We Design & Build Blazing Fast Modern Websites

Over the last decade, website and web app technology has increasingly advanced and search engines such as Google have taken a precedence towards faster high-performing websites in their search results. There is no time like the present to improve your websites performance to achieve a superior online existence.

We build Supersonic Amazing Websites and Web Apps the modern way, which deliver blazing fast performance, higher security and are cheaper to run.

Supersonic Amazing Websites and Web Apps

A faster website & website performance plays a major role in the success of any online venture. High-performing sites engage well with your customers and retain users better than low-performing websites.

One choice to achieve faster web page performance is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). AMP is an open source HTML framework developed by the AMP Open Source Project. It was originally created by Google as a competitor to Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. AMP is optimised for mobile web browsing and intended to help webpages load faster. Google reports that AMP pages served in Google search typically load in less than one second and use ten times less data than the equivalent non-AMP pages. The problem with implementing AMPs is that you lose control over your mobile pages and there is a lack of resources, so you would only really use AMP separate from your mobile pages and thus creating an admin overhead maintaining separate code.

Our solution to performance is a modern approach to Static Websites. A static web page is a web page that is delivered to the user's web browser exactly as stored. Static websites were the standard in the 1990s when internet connection speeds were slow and tedious (Remember dial up services?). When internet connection speeds improved, websites began to utilise databases which introduced dynamic websites, this meant we could serve up data into our web pages dynamically and update content instantly.

Nowadays people are expecting faster responses to websites and web apps especially when using mobile devices over mobile networks. With a traditional dynamic website deployment you typically have a website deployed to a webserver which communicates with a database. When a user requests a page the webserver needs to obtain the information from the database and then serve that back to the user while rendering the page. This is time consuming and we also need to consider how we scale our web servers when demand increases and how the database is deployed for resilience.

When applying a modern development approach to building static websites we can build sites for almost any requirement such as Blogs, Portfolios, E-commerce websites, Web Applications and many more, without sacrificing functionality and achieving massive performance gains.

technology eco system for all websites

Utilising a static website approach removes the need for dedicated web servers and databases. Static websites can be deployed to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), sometimes referred to as an edge location or content distribution network. A CDN is a geographically distributed network of servers and their data centres. They provide high availability and performance by distributing the service closer to the end users browsing the internet.

The static website approach does not necessarily mean that it is not dynamic. Our solutions use Content Management Systems (CMS) for content updates, and each time a site's content is updated, the new code is built and deployed to the CDN, serving up data as if it was using a traditional dynamic approach. Furthermore, we can integrate with almost any backend service or data endpoint using web services to display a multitude of content or provide additional functionality. In essence you get faster content delivered to your audience, more secure websites, which can meet high levels of demand without the need to scale out web servers or infrastructure and are a whole lot cheaper to run.

There are many different ways of architecting a static website deployment utilising any of the the big cloud providers such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and many more. Here at Rokit Media we have AWS and Cloud Solutions architects who can efficiently design the platform on which your website or web application can be hosted.

Full Stack Website Development

Our team are also Full-Stack developers which means we have the knowledge and expertise of designing the front-end user interface of websites & web applications, and the capability of designing and building the back-end code and infrastructure to support your website or web app.

To find out more about our services, have a look through our Blog posts and News articles, take a look at our services page or contact us to discuss your up and coming website or web app projects.

We look forward to working with you.

Team Rokit!

-Rokit Media

Posted: 24 December, 2020

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